This is where I tell the one star people to stop being obnoxious critics. This movie was far more closer to the video games then the original movies with Alice. This adaptation is the closest we will get to the video games and I strongly believe they did an amazing job!
Not only were the actors great but so was every bit of the movie. One star reviewers expected an exact replica of the video game but that's just not how movies are made. You can not do everything a video game does. I have never in my life seen a movie descended from a video game be exactly the same. No video game movie in the world matches up exactly to the video game.
One star reviewers also expected the cast to be 100% white washed and were upset to see some characters different races (that's what we call racist reviewers). The diverse cast is what makes the movie so much better. I love Jill's character as she was brought to life more compared to the older movies. Chris as well gets far more camera time as it should be along with Claire. Finally it's actually a movie that follows the characters in the video game and not some random lady who was never in the games (Sorry Alice). One star reviewers also expected the characters to be these huge experts. Leon in the first video game was a new cop and so it only made sense for them to make him a rookie in the movie. Wesker was also originally a cop before betraying them so that was also accurate. Sometimes I wonder if these one star critics actually played the first couple video games or just skipped one and two. I say ignore the one star reviews as those individuals really do not know what they are talking about.
I cannot wait for the next movie to be released! In conclusion! This is the closest adaptation we are going to get to the video game, and if you are expecting an exact play by play of the video game this is not the movie for you, as video game movies are never exactly the same as the true video game. This was one of the best movies I have seen in awhile.