“The Peanuts Movie” is one of the best animated films in 2015 and one of my favorite movies of all time, I mean its an actual movie of Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the rest of the whole Peanuts gang like Charlie’s little younger baby kid sister Sally Brown, Snoopy’s best friend Woodstock, Snoopy’s siblings (Spike, Andy, Olaf, Marbles, Rover, Belle and Molly), the Van Pelts siblings (Lucy, Linus and Rerun), Schroeder, Franklin, Marcie, Patricia “Peppermint Patty” Reichardt, Pig-Pen, Violet Gray, Patty, Frieda, Miss Othmar, The Little Red-Haired Girl (Heather Wold) and more who all been created by Charles M. Schulz and this movie is written by Schulz’ son Craig and grandson Bryan. This movie is about Charlie Brown trying to improve his odds with his love interest, the Little Red-Haired Girl, while Snoopy writes a book where he is a World War I Flying Ace trying to save his fellow pilot and love interest, Fifi, from the Red Baron and his flying circus and let me tell you all something that it’s been years that the whole Peanuts gang have been seeing Charlie Brown as a hapless loser due to his failures he has in his whole life and sometimes he can both pessimistic and optimistic because he feels like the world is against him like being humiliated, having his kite getting stuck in a tree and being selfishly and aggressively looked down by everyone but all of changes when The Little Red-Haired Girl became the new next door neighbor and Charlie Brown immediately became infatuated with her, he tries to do everything he can to impress her and win her over but everything just went wrong. Although when he somehow got a perfect score of a test assignment of his, he suddenly became popular and famous and it was going well until he in the school assembly where he’s about to get a medal, he realized and found out was his but Peppermint Patty’s, which is suddenly the first time she got a perfect score, he turned down the medal and the popularity award and became a loser again what’s worse is that the book report of “War and Peace”, he and The Little Red-Haired Girl are partners on, have been torn up by a toy airplane causing them to failed the report. When The Red-Haired Girl is going to summer camp, she decided to be Charlie Brown’s pen pal this summer and when he decided to go and tell her how he feels about her, thanks for advice from his best friend Linus, and while doing that, he was finally able to fly a kite for the very first time in his life while the other kids were following him along the way and The Little Red-Haired Girl tells him that the reason why she chose him as her pen-pal was be because she saw him that nobody has see him before and that’s a selfless, determined, honest, kind, caring, and compassionate person and when she left for camp, the other congratulated him and accepted as a true and decent friend who has the heart and soul of a good man and a great human being, finally making up for their rude, selfish and aggressive behavior towards him for the past years and when I watched the ending of the movie I was so proud of that kid like a big older brother who can never more proud of a little younger baby kid brother, so proud I was all like “Good Job, Kid” and after all these past years of losing, Charlie has finally became a winner and showed the world that he’s not and never was a loser no matter how much he losing.
Rest in Paradise, Charles Monroe "Sparky" Schulz and José Cuauhtémoc "Bill" Melendez, may God bless your souls in Heaven.