I think this movie couldn't get any better... the plot is incredibly amazing and so is everything else! I have never seen any movie better than this but I am terribly sad about the fact that there is no part 2...and when she left Sutemaru I was so disappointed and when he told himself that is was just a dream my heart broke to pieces...and especially in the middle of the film how money changed the father is so shocking how he didn't care about "little bamboo"'s feelings...I wish there was a happy ending other than the moon people taking her away oh and I really loved the song that includes:
"Birds, Bugs, beasts, grass, trees, flowers
Bring spring and summer, fall and winter
Bring spring and summer, fall and winter
is great! this movie is the best movie I have ever seen in my life and also the song is my favorite too!
I think that's all... I know its a lot to read and i am so sorry for that