For those who critique this show, you may have missed a few confessions from Zac Efron. Early on, he admits his work is no Academy Award material. He shows humility and the initiative to use his Hollywood fame for something better. This is a very timely series that is addressing immediate dangers that we have treated too gingerly and now we are in a crisis. I believe that many already know Darin from his health podcasts, but Zac is engaging a younger audience that may be inspired by his effervescent interest in doing something to make an impact for a more positive earth.
A few have also trolled the use of product placement during the series. However, if VISA subsidized any of this trip for these people, I am pleased. VISA is actually accepted more readily internationally than other credit cards. I would also like to think that the clothing they wore was all that would fit in their packs. Again, if it was donated to the cast then praise the companies that are supporting these efforts.
Each place visited showcased a specific issue. During the pandemic, we have had more time to reflect on our habits: good and bad. Because these were different parts of the globe, it allowed us to witness what others are doing. Small efforts that are making change. I believe this is their true intent and, for many, I hope the message is received.
If and when the opportunity to travel re-opens, I will bring my water bottle to taste the different flavours of water. I will also try my luck at a garden on the wall (especially since my efforts on my front lawn produced limited results!)
What is that old expression? "Don't shoot the messenger".
I appreciate the team's effort in educating the masses and encouraging people to vote.