I don't know how this movie has such high reviews. I found it highly predictable (without having read the books first) and massively cliché on almost all fronts. I could not stand the youngest boy Edmund or his oldest sister... I even forget her name. The best actor in the entire film was the youngest sister Lucy, and she's an actual child. Peter was average as a character at best. It cannot compare to The Lord or the Rings at all like some are saying it does. It's nowhere near the level of detail, memorable characters, classic moments or lore of those ACTUAL masterpieces! Most of the characters were instantly forgettable, that being if they were introduced at all. The beaver couple were the most memorable and relatable characters in the whole movie. There were no loose ends tied up, there could have been a reunion with the goat man and his father after the lion burped on them all to unfreeze them (why did he not do that at all for the last 100 years? No explanation for anything at all). Plenty of missed opportunities and I was left disappointed. Maybe it is most enjoyable for children, because I really didn't find it very gripping at all. Not much is explained even though they have the books to go off of. (actual masterpieces). I give this movie a generous 5/10. Average at best and almost an insult to the books. My favourite character was the Professor and I saw him all but twice...