The game is fun, to a point. It's super difficult, as to be expected, but later on, it just becomes a grindy mess. Enemies will 2 shot you, easily, and it'll take literally 30-40 swings at them to bring even one down. That is while buffing your character, attacking weak points, etc. Maybe it's just my build that's weak, but it worked the entire game, so why is it suddenly so outrageously weak in the end game? Also, the menus are atrocious. 99% of the items you get are trash and you will never use, but you still have to go through and sell or dismantle everything just to clear space to pick up... more useless junk. Not very enticing. There's a few gems here and there, but they're pretty rare.
The game is fun, it gets your heart pumping, but be ready to get angry at a single misstep and having to do 30 minutes of gameplay over again, and artificial difficulty with ridiculous enemy stats, especially late game. Playing with a friend makes it much more enjoyable.