The absolute worst movie on Netflix and my opinion and Netflix has some pretty trash movies but this absolutely has to be the worst first and foremost there's no narrative or true plot to the movie it makes an attempt to follow every single character in the movie however give no true reference or backstory to John Henry himself which is who the movie is supposed to be about anyway littering that you have to very well to claim actors both Terry Crews and Ludacris it was definitely a waste of talent regarding this movie the rest of the actors were pretty no name the movie was all over the place the most interesting character in the movie John Henry's father as a supporting actor he had more lines and a better Built Up character exploration with a provided backstory how does a supporting character have a greater backstory and more insight than the main character in which the movie is titled after I'm not even going to go into details about what makes this movie in particular so horrible scene to scene but I will say if you do decide to watch it you have been warned