I hated it with a passion. It made me upset. It made me feel that Wade Robson is like a Doctor Jeckel/ Mr. Hyde. You can't tell when he is telling the truth. And the Wade was telling the story ( after years of telling a completely different story while Michael was alive) Wade sounds like so creepy. So does Jim Safechuck 's mother. She literally bragged about the listening through the door while her son and Michael were in the bedroom. Everyone in this movie sounded like they were unbalanced. I know Michael was a person that had psychological problems. But that does not make a person a pedophile. It also doesn't make a person a homewrecker. I have seen how unbalanced people like and really enjoy having fun at other people's miseries. But all this movie seemed to be doing is causing more misery. I don't know what really happened. But I have a hard time believing this. Especially, Since Wade dated Michael Jackson 's niece and that was never even mentioned in the movie. And how he went on defended Michael for years. And talked about what a wonderful guy he was. And then all of the sudden he now says that Michael abused him. The way both of these men describe how they were abused sounds so real. It does sound like the behavior of a pedifile or even a homewrecker. But it also sounds so rehearsed. Wade talked about how he was coached and told what to say when he was on the witness stand so many years ago. But it also sounds like he was coached and told what to say in this movie as well. I really think everybody in this movie is unbalanced. But this is just my opinion. Also, I want to point out a few other things. Some people have commented that if people are still praising Michael Jackson that they don't know what its like to be abused. Well I do. And I also know that this story sounds like someone else 's story. Not Michael. It is very true that a predator does try to groom somebody to prey on them. But
that doesn't always mean that that they are a pedophile. They can be any kind of a abuser. They can verbally attack a person. They can physically attack a person. They can emotionally attack a person. etc. This whole story sounded so rehearsed. If I didn't know better, I probably would believe it. And I also know very well ( and there is a good reason why I know this because this has happened to me in my past ) . It is very important to a predator for you to tell them that you like what they are doing to you. They love that control. It is very important to to a sex offender that they tell you that they are just expressing their love for you. I really wonder what the director of this movie went through. Let's not forget Oprah has gained a lot of people's trust herself. Showering all kinds of people with gifts. Is the director really telling these young mens stories? Or is it someone else 's?This story is so graphic. Not anything like the one Wade Robson gave before. And what is Oprah really going to get from this ? A lot of attention. A lot !