I really don’t understand all the good reviews honestly. I watched Suicide Squad (2016) on HBOmax and followed it up with The Suicide Squad on HBOmax.
I thought the starfish was super cartoonish, as well as Silvester Stallone’s character (reminded me of Maui from Moana (“shark head”)). The first one had such good CGI with the witch, and her magic was off the chart! With this one I couldn’t believe how tacky the starfish villain was. Even it’s name! Starro?! Too cheesy. It most definitely isn’t a children’s film, but with characters like Polka-Dot man and Rat Catcher.. maybe it should have been.
I didn’t like that Colonel Flag was killed off, and Amanda Waller wasn’t even directing them through most of the middle of the movie. I loved how badass she was in the first movie, she was made out to be a lot more evil in this one. Also disappointed with how Peacemaker’s character, played by John Cena played out when he and Bloodsport were the 2 always shooting out comedic lines. From goofy to the bad guy. And why no Deadshot or Diablo?!
For me it was hard to keep up with the plot, and what their mission was. What happened to Sol Soria and her crew at the end? The scene where she decided to help Flag’s team seemed entirely pointless! The character relationship development between Bloodshot and his daughter never followed through like I would have liked either.
And LASTLY! How disappointing that the Joker wasn’t apart of this film! My husband and I both agree that we would rather have Joker in place of all the gorey action scenes! He should have come in at some point and given Harley Quinn her love story that she so desperately longs for, with seemingly only him.
Was it action packed? Yes. Did it have a great cast? Yes. Harley Quinn was amazing as always, but her flower killing scene made her look more girly and less badass, in my opinion. I believe that she and Will Smith in Suicide Squad were a great pair, and I really don’t understand how people rate that movie so low in comparison to this one! The first one had a great scene that actually made me tear up. To me, that makes a great film.
I’m a big fan of James Gunn and the Guardian of the Galaxy movies are so freakin good. This one just fell short for me, I’m sorry.