Among what I have seen lately in our Indian film industry, Director Sujeeth has proven the statement he had published along with the film, The Biggest Action Blockbuster ever seen in India.
A film has 6 pillars
Even though its Missing one pillar this movie has proven to be one of the best. The storyline progresses slowly through the action packed plot as a distraction to the loopholes and twists created by the storyline. A deep narration which gives the audience a bore feeling will be occurring in between the film. But as the interval approaches the story gets a proper well built base The story gets constructed into something which we have never seen or ever expected to see in an Indian film. Some sequences ahead of its time is well directed by Sugeeth making it less cartoonish. As this plot has never been tried ever in this Indian film industry it may very well be received negatively by the audience.
But bare in mind it's a movie that should be experienced in the thrilling atmosphere of a Theatre.
If you are ever planning to watch the film never get sunk in the pessimism thrown at the film as this movie is a foreign style thriller which we as Indians are lucky and proud to receive this film in our languages.
Respectfully - a 16year old