The worst Vietnam war movie of all time. Alot of 4 and 5 stars...don't know what movie they were watching. This movie never grabbed my attention when it first came out. I decided to give it a shot after years of procrastinating. The score was horrible and didn't match the scenes and overall wasn't very Hans Zimmer here. Sean Penn's accent wasn't convincing, and I like his acting but he was a no go. Everyone looked to rested and clean and the uniforms were way too clean and not faded. The overall feel and mood of the sets were too polished. Looked like everyone had access to a barber and shaved daily no problem. They then tried to use every Vietnam movie stereo type and cliche. The horror of this film..well was this film. The lightning was too bright and cheerful considering the content ...tried to give this movie the benefit of the doubt but it was no Platoon or full Metal Jacket ....