You play as a rookie from the organisation of Fenrir, an organisation that specialises in hunting monster and beings called Aragami that has plagued the world causing massive extinction. You will use your weapon that is alive and living and bound to you, called God Arcs, and fight for humanity's survival in this dark apocalyptic world. You will also have friends alongside to help you in battle and also journey together in this dark, edgy tale.
Storywise, it is okay. Mediocre, anime plot. But in the past when playing the PSP port of this game, I was very much inlove and obssessed with the game's story. Although it does play on themes that are fairly interesting. Other than that, edgy moments and waifus take the shows. Not that I'm complaining.
Combat is hack and slashy where you must also manage bullets and items. Lots of items at your disposal to balance out the battle. Your equipment consists of the blade, shield, and gun, which in themselves have many categories and can be crafted and use. This game have its own crafting and progression with a set of unique skills you can choose and use. For example, you may use a Shortsword for faster attacks on the monster. But if you want big numbers, then switch it to the Greatsword. Basically, weapons are customisable according to your playstyle. I'm trying so hard to not mention Monster Hunter here, that is the basics of the genre Monster Hunter brought, and is executed well here. Atleast well enough for me to engage it.
I do have to mention that this game is a port of the PSP game; God Eater: Burst, and I got it for free after purchasing God Eater 2. This port came with remastered visuals, audio, and additional content from future games. The game manage to feel accurate to the PSP port and at the same time gave a new, more grand experience. Didn't feel like it is a lazy, something that you just emulate on your PC. Kinda inspiring to see something like this to be made so high quality only for it to be free.
On to the downsides, downsides I have on this game and the PSP port that still persist is the audio. The song choice and soundtrack are bad or atleast not for me. The only good song is the opening cutscene which plays when you boot up the game. Ingame, during battle, the song are horrendous to listen to. The background songs are kinda okay, but the battle ones are the ones that stood out the most.
The second thing that I notice but only on this port is the voice acting. This game has good voice actors and got a good direction. But the theme and tone of the performances are more lighthearted than before. On the PSP ports, the performances mostly are brooding and suitable for the dark tone. But on this port, although good performance, the lightheartedness like Alisa's more waifu-ish manners, Soma's more extroverted tone, kinda clashes with what it once was. And also my characters' voice sucks (maybe because I made the wrong choice, but oh well). Maybe because I'm just to tied to the old voices and actors that bring the characters to life in the PSP port.
Overall, a solid hunting experience. An enjoyable anime tale. And good waifus.