Here's my rating for Teen Titans Go:
The series sucks more than fortnite removing the pump. The characters are so retarded that they can't even firgure out how to do some stuff that so simple. Most of the time the titans are just making goofy stuff and doing uninteresting adventure that I would rather watch paint dry. The series has no interesting storyline like the original Teen Titians since it just trying to make this series "fun and cool" for people to watch while in real life the series is a pile of hot,stinky GARBAGE. Please take this series of the air and replace it with the Original Teen Titans because it better in every way. Plus the character are so boring since they don't even have any events in their life and life changing experiences. Take example the Titans meeting Tera in the original Teen Titans, tera had an impact on the titans life because of her working for slade and her sacrificing herself to save Jumpcity and the Titans. That is events that make you like the series. But in the rebooted series you just have the titans being retarded and doing some stupid adventure that it soooo boring. So please I beg you take this series of the air and replace it with the original Teen Titand and add more series to it PLEASE.