What a start to the movie. I was like wowww this is Alia's best performance to date. I msgd a friend too in excitement. Post that around I guess 40m a scene happened and I was like wait..this is not consistent with what was happening till now.
Post that the movie just went downhill..I feel sad coz am a hugeeee Alia fan and this movie was really bad. No wonder it bombed at the box office.
Alia is good and Vijay Gomber is excellent. Wow what a role! And the ASEAN police/language is very well shown. These are the only good parts of this movie.
Obviously I would tell everyone to KEEP AWAY! Alia is too good and she will do many awesome movies in the future.
BTW I stopped midway coz Just couldn't watch it any longer. A Malayalam director would have made an amazing movie with this plotline simply coz directors there think the audience is intelligent!