Epic final duel,- The last duel is about a story of a Duel to the death from the 14 th century told in 3 chapters by the main 3 characters about the alleged rape of a Knights wife.
It could do with a few more battle scenes to liven it up all the way through the Movie.
A bit of an explanation on the war of 1386 the french were involved in could have helped this plodding medieval masterpiece.
The intrigues of a court case featured in the film's fleshing out the points of view told in 3 parts take some patience,As the film covers the aggreieved knight De Carroges (Damon),then the former friend and accused rapist squire Jaques Le Gris( Driver) ,then the knights wife (Comer)who corageously calls out her rape inspite of the dangers in a time where woman are treated like property. Highlights are the visual imagery that take you back in time to a tough era in time to be alive, and outstanding performance from the Female lead Actress Jodie Comer