The Parabellum John Wick Chapter 3 is Totally an Action Packed Masterpiece.The Story of the Movie Proceeds After the John Wick Reckoning from John Wick Chapter 2.There are So Many New Characters Appeared in the Movie Especially the Character of Halle Berry(Sophia).The Sophia Playing the Helping Partner of John Wick.The Bowry King Again Delighted the Scene With Mind-blowing Dialogues and Acting Experiences.Keaneu Reeeves,No doubt one of the Best Action Hero I have Seen so far.The Way he Acted in Parabellum Series Completely Create a Disaster in the Theatre.Awesome Keaneue Reeves,Only You can Play John Wick...The Ratings of the Movie is Also nice.Undoubtedly,You should watch this movie Especially for Dog Lovers,,,The Dog Character Also Attracts the Audiences...My Rating for this Movie is 10/10...
Well Done Mister Wick