The series made its glorious return with a masterclass of exploration, action, and the overlying dread that awaits. Without a doubt this game is a must have for switch owners. its a exciting, action packed, and a dang good metroidvania. its a great game to pick up for veterain fans, newcomers to the series, and people who love games like castevania, hollow knight ect. the look and feel of this game knocks it out of this world
the different enivorments go from technological science facilites, to driery areas with dread indoucing e.m.i.s everywhere, the emis are enimies you will find around certain areas that are invincble so sneaking passt them and not getting caught is crucial to survival. the counter in this game feels so good to control, the feeling of countering a emi is so great. So if you haven,t picked this game up what are you waiting for, the 60 dollar price tag is definetly worth it.