I don't like the Supergirl TV series. Theoretically, it should be exactly the same as any other superman story but whoever decided to write it made the mistake of making it a political statement. Every other scene is something about women power or double standards or some other nonsense instead of the actual show itself.
If Superman and Supergirl are the same, then their tv shows would be the same. The superman movies or tv shows don't talk about male problems like suicide or the unrealistic 'man' image that it portrays. It takes those flaws and it owns them, and by doing so it overcomes them and becomes something more. Yet Supergirl does not. It wallows in itself and keeps repeating its same dime a dozen complaints about women and how they don't have the same opportunities than men have. Yet the one thing that could make that happen is the one thing the directors refuse to write into their story.
It's so fucking hilarious. Their own political statement is both the cause and solution to the very same political agenda they're pushing. It's like watching a cat chase its tail.
Cute, but boring after 5 minutes.