I have been viewing Morning Joe for several months on a fairly regular basis. Although my personal politics are generally in line with that of Morning Joe, I usually avoid any MSNBC shows because they usually make one or two interesting observations which can be made in 5 minutes maximum but which MSNBC hosts spend hours making, and every other MSNBC host repeats these observations for hours on end. On top of that, these same same repetitive hosts, have the hosts from other MSNBC shows as their guests, apparently because they just need to fill the time. Somehow Morning Joe did not have the same fierce and repetitive "news" and added a bit of levity, as grim as the "news" may be. Recently, however, Morning Joe has seen fit to add Al Sharpton to its morning lineup. Perhaps, Joe and Mika or their producers do not recognize the name Tawana Brawley? Google her. No one who lived in NY City or NY State can possibly care what Mr. Sharpton has to say on any subject. His 1987 behavior was a disgrace to all thinking people. In a time where Mr. Trump has increased by at least 100 times the divisions in this country, it is hard to believe that otherwise thoughtful people like Joe and Mika would allow Mr. Sharpton to enhance those divides. Let me know when Mr. Sharpton is persona non grata on Morning Joe and I will resume watching.