I’m a huge fan of the matrix saw all three films I love the first 2 films unapologetically and the 3rd I used to hate alot but I recently rewatched it and it’s okay I guess idk it’s a mixed bag for me but! This movie was the worst of the franchise.. the only scenes I cared about were the scenes with neo and trinity but there wasn’t enough of that.. this movie was just all over the place very hard to follow I didn’t know what the hell was going on from beginning to end.. but I will say that I was satisfied with the ending for neo and trinity.. but everything else I could care less about how could Lana W. Do this to this beloved franchise and these new characters I could care less about!!! And I hated!!!! The new Morpheus the way they treated his character was so disrespectful it’s a shame that this movie turned out like this.. it was hot garbage and a complete mixed mess..!!! And I found out that Lawrence fishburne wanted to come back as Morpheus.. but thank God!! He didn’t because this movie was a disaster!!! But like I said before I liked the ending for Neo and trinity!! Now WB probably killed this franchise so let this be the end of the hero’s journey.. overall I give it 2 stars because all I like in this movie was the neo and trinity scenes and it wasn’t even much of that smh .. very disappointed!!