A senseless movie with poorly written characters.
Mira is the most stupid character I have ever seen. She is a businesswoman and runs a company with her father or something like that. Basically, she is successful. But she doesn't work and fool around the city and pretend to be a nice person by feeding homeless once a week. And she has no friends. Who will make her friend? She is a man child. She fell in love with a loser, Samar, with whom she never had a real conversation. Samar performs street art, specifically sings Panjabi songs on the streets and is a part-time waiter at a restaurant and does other odd jobs and spreads cringe in London.
Mira broke up with Samar because she promised God to give up Samar if he recovered from a critical accident. Note that God did not ask Mira to give up something. If you feel sorry for Samar, then let me inform you that he was riding a bike irresponsibly and deserves to die.
After Samar and Mira had a separation, Samar became a bomb defuser in the Indian army. HOW? Indian army is not stupid like the writer of this movie, and I am sure of that? He had no experience in electronic engineering till the age of 24 then. How did he turn into a bomb defuser?
After ten years, Samar meets Akira. She is a hyper, irritating, and socially awkward girl. I don't know what to tell about her. She is an erritating character.
Trust me; you don't want to know the rest of the movie.
Thank God Yash Raj passed away in peace and could not see the final cut.
People who liked this movie are unintelligent. Don't be unintelligent.