I’ve noticed over the years, that most of the Dr Seuss movies are kind of boring. While there is the occasional laugh or enjoyable moment, most of them, just play it safe and people “praise them” for sticking to the source material. The main criticism for Cat In The Hat (2003) is that it sticks far away from its source and begs to differ from the “things” that made the original so whimsical. I’m sick of seeing all the bad reviews and the ironic “love” for this movie. Realize that all of the reviews that you give this movie a (10/10) are joke reviews that are entirely ironic. Listen, I used to despise this movie, I used to be like the other reviewers who thought the movie was just pandering and awful.’ But now i realize that the point of the movie wasn’t to please anybody, it was meant to be its own thing, funnily enough the reason this movie was hated was because it didn’t play safe. In my opinion, sticking to the source material, will never fix or help a movie. Because in the end, people will still hate it for not being pitch perfect. Loose adaptions are the best kinds of adaptations because they take what made them great and try to remake it through they’re own style and that’s the beauty of film making. This film isn’t great or amazing by any means, it has many, many flaws. But it has a message hidden in there about conformity, something that this movie doesn’t show. This movie is different from other films. Thats the beauty. You don’t have to like this movie, in fact I hate it. But there’s things in the mix to appreciate. For example the makeup and or the set pieces. Not everything has to be perfect to be a good movie. I’m not a huge fan of the adult jokes but honestly who cares? A PG movie isn’t explicitly made for your kiddies. PG stands for (Parental Guidance) not All Audiences. But it feels like people have gotten to soft about PG movies. Back then you had movies like the Truman Show, which were PG yet they had curse words and potty language. In the end, Cat In The Hat isn’t amazing but it sure as hell isn’t awful.