Rich, the main actor, is facing a burn-out that led him to become a resentful person. However, God's intervention to make him seeing the 'life' from the eyes of every person whose bodies his soul inhibited in, led him to be more grateful about his life and finally resolve those mistakes and problem he has had created, which are mostly coming from his ingratitude about the life he already has.
This is the movie for those who are at the crossroads in their current life and have no idea what to do and where to go, even regretting choices they have made.
This is the movie for those who are facing difficulty in any forms of relationship and thinking about to 'give up'.
and also this is the movie especially made for us on behalf of humanity, to become more "understanding" and be more "sensitive" as partners, parents, friends, or co-workers about 'all reasons' someone that we care so much made such those perpetual 'wrong choices' in their life or acting miserably, such as excessive anger, to be there for them as a compassionate and reliable companion.
What a remarkably inspiring and lovely movie!