For the first time in my life, I was conquered by a serial in such a way that, after a while, I started to ask myself: What's wrong with me? What have I got? I seen and reviewed the series Feriha . The story itself is a simple story, but beyond it brings us to the forefront, the love of two young students who live in different worlds! The series tells us that there are no borders between rich people and the poor, if love is sincere, no matter what lies,appears during this series! Love conquers all the obstacles and we can say that life, beat the movie! The character I've loved enormously is Emir, played by Cagatay Ulusoy! Cagatay Ulusoy, had a fantastic performance, and the chemistry between Emir and Feriha was left unaltered eight years after the release of the show! It's a series I recommend to all who still believe in true love!