I picked this game up free with Xbox Gamepass and gave it a shot.
On the surface, this game is awesome. The concept is phenomenal, the graphics are charming, the gameplay took a second to get used to but is fun, the replayability is insane, if tedious. For about an hour I had fun. Then I noticed a huge flaw.
The goal of the game is to go through levels in a dungeon to get to a boss. The more rooms you find, the more loot you get. The more loot you get, the stronger you are for each boss room. Great in concept. The problem lies in the implementation. The enemies drop hardly any money, grenades or keys. Why is this a problem? You need a combination of some or all 3 to fully explore all rooms in each level. It was annoying trying to go everywhere and see everything only to realize I didn't have enough of the right materials to progress.
I could have gotten past minor annoyances like bad grenade throw mechanics (half of my throws were fails due to bad bounces or incorrect targeting) or losing all my loot and starting over the next time I go through a level if I didn't start back at level 1 of the next dungeon with 1 or less of grenades, keys or $.
It may seem like a minor, petty complaint but to me, enjoying Metroidvaniaesque games like Shadow Complex, Dust: An Elysian Tail, the original Metroid and Castlevania games or even dungeon crawlers like Torchlight and Diablo, this game with so much potential fell short due to limitations.
In my opinion, giving limits to the player is never a good idea.