This is one of my favorite movies - It's entirely subtle and obvious and tries something truly unique - a movie that is not high or low drama - trying to show a woman who is successful but not a powerhouse - just a genuinely smart and capable, compassionate but also able to be dispassionate - not a sucker to the fairy tale but can give in to the power of music, sex, connection. Such a mix. So well done. John T. does a very strong job as well. There are so many quietly crafted decisions about soundtrack, clothes, the whole set up of color, light. The soundtrack is one of the most genius I've heard. You just have to watch the movie from every perspective. Seriously crafted at a level you really have to pay attention in order to appreciate. Sit with every frame, storyline, etc. Watch it a few times. Take it in on all the levels at play every single minute. It's there. But you have to let yourself to connect to it. Almost magical.