Spoiler alert.
1. Didn’t jablowski purger himself in the last episode?? Isn’t that against the law and shouldn’t that carry some time as well? Also, what about the ‘duty of care’ a police officer has; he didn’t even report it or call an ambulance...shouldn’t he get more time because of that???
2. Nadine’s death wasn’t even felt at all!! How did that not get brought up in trial or investigated??? Scratch marks on Arbirio’s arm mean that there must have been skin under her nails...the writers left this murder as a huge hole in the series. At the end of the last episode maybe they could have suggested an investigation into her death and the involvement of the other three cops for the next season..:something!!
I wanted to like this series, but these problems were too big for me to overlook and I can’t believe the writers were ok with them.