Darshan Rivka Whittle

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I listened to "A Portable Model Of..." and "How Memory Works" a LOT in 1998-1999, but I never got around to listening to Joan of Arc's new albums as they came out. Now, 20 years later, I'm finally catching up. I'm going in order, so I'm listening to a lot of "Live in Chicago, 1999" and "The Gap" right now. And wow, both of these albums are SO GOOD, and so different from their first two. I'm amazed at all the negative reviews I'm seeing for this album, because I think it's really good. It does seem more experimental than their earlier work, but it's really not that out there, and it totally works. I found it quite accessible on my first time through (I frequently need a few listens for new music to "click" for me), and I'm just liking it more and more with each listen. It's a creative and effective arrangement of independently catchy ideas, put together is a beautiful and special way to become a work of art. I'm super into it.
The Gap
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