This show is hard to watch because its so unbelievable. It makes NASA out to look like idiots. They take away the commander’s husband’s ability to fly in the program due to having CCM, a potentially fatal disease, yet ignor the potential problem it could have for his wife (and daughter) if he became sick or died, and make her commander of the Mars mission, evidently never even discussing the “what ifs” with her. The commander is informed she needs to give a speech to everyone on earth from the moon prior to the launch to Mars, but evidently NASA forgot to give her a heads up about this rather historic event, so she has nothing prepared, and has to wing it. The “team” is disfunctional from day one with all sorts of personality weaknesses, and one member if the team has spent such little time in space he gets ill from the loss of gravity. Yet NASA is sending this guy to Mars? I’m sure if, and when, the real NASA puts together a team for a mars mission, it will look nothing like this.