The game is just a joy to play. Every level is unique and brimming with charm, from the begrudged but determined enemies, to the vibrant backgrounds. It's always fun to see how you can interact with each level, and discover its secrets. You are continually collecting lives in each stage, so when some sections become tricky you are always encouraged to try again, so anyone put off by the difficulty from games like this in the past, shouldn't be. It feels great to play, with 3 different Kongs that change how Donkey Kong controls in the air, and it's fun to see how they react differently in each cutscene, which are also full of charm. The music deserves a special mention too, there is a level in World 3-1 called Grassland Groove, and if that doesn't put a smile on your face I cannae help you. There's also a beautiful remix of a underwater tune that will warm anyone's heart who has played Donkey Kong Country.
In closing, the game is magic, and it's Retro Studios last Donkey Kong game, at least for a while, so it feels special. Platformers with this level of care and polish are few and far between these days, and they should be celebrated.