It started out strong, season 1 was a solid 4 stars. Season 2 was still OK, 3.5 stars. From there it only declined. This last season was simply cringeworthy, so so bad. I downloaded the latest season to watch on an 8 hour flight. I was able to get through 1.5 episodes and deleted the rest. “Number 5” is the only character worth watching. Everybody else has become a massively depressing loser. Since they lost their powers on previous season, they are all sub-mediocre. Some got fat, others “cope with the terrible stress of having kids,” Luther loses it over a piñata like an 5 year old, others suffer because of OCD. The introduction of the 2 new characters are terrible (Allison and Lila,) the whole “Viktor so powerful” thing is overdone, and now they put in additional timelines? Another one bites the dust. Just terrible.