This movie is not good. The ending is very tragic. The neighbor shouldn't have even told the family in the first place about the ancient burial place. If he knew that it was a scary place, then it's unnecessary to talk about it. If their neighbor hadn't told them, the family wouldn't be facing problems. They could have just instead buried their dead cat in the graveyard instead of the burial place and just moved on. It's a sad story that a 2 year old is left alone.
Firstly why are they trying to kill him at the end of the movie? It's surprising that the family who loved him turned into cold heartless murderers. This is very disturbing. If the dad was even still alive, then why is he even trying to murder him? Why couldn't he just leave him at his family member's house?
Secondly, how can a 2 year old even understand the death of his family? If he was rescued immediately, he wouldn't even remember his family or the incidents that happened to him. Because usually no one can remember anything from 2 years of age. Actually they should have left him in their relatives' house instead of locking him in the car.
So this is a stupid movie overall. Basically, the family is just a bunch of idiots.