I have always watched ABC for my news. I am not sure TJ Holmes is the anchor you want to lead this program. I have seen him say things that "stump" Amy R. and Dr. Jen to the point they simply do not know how to respond to him - these are typically off the cuff remarks. He is unprofessional at times. The manner in which he sits in a chair is awful! Didn't his mother ever tell him to sit up straight? He slumps down in any and all types of chairs, and his clothes do not hang properly. His tie is always hanging off to the side. Makes him look unkempt.
Also - I do not think he is qualified to interview the guests. He continuously tried today to bring up ex-President Trump to the Gov of Georgia. Asking the Gov what he thought about the New York Times article whereby Trump is "embarrassed that he supported the Govenor..."??? Thank goodness the Gov was too smart to fall into that trap. BTW - Amy R. couldn't get the Gov to respond either. Move on!