Def the best game I have played on xbox. Many people like to complain that they constantly get harassed by 2-4 man toxic tryhards and lose their multiple hours worth of loot, but guess what, that’s what being a pirate is all about! When my friends and I play, yes we take people’s loot and sell it and feel on top of the world, but we also grind out fort of the damned and forts and whatnot. While doing them, we are constantly on the lookout for people tucking, watching us from afar, or whatnot. When we go to sell, we first go on the island and search it to make sure we are clear. We take all these precautions to ensure we get our money’s worth. And to complain about boarding is ridiculous because it is so audible and you should always be looking out for it. There are ways to maneuver around getting stolen from, you just have to put effort into it. Everyone that complains just likes to be able to have no problems and do quests and sell without any problems. The sloop is fastest while against wind, use this to ur advantage! It can also turn faster than the brig and galleon, anchor turns are faster, I mean come on. Learn how to lose ships whether it be maneuvering around big rocks or islands, losing a ship in the fog, or get in front of or behind the boat and hit their sails down without getting hits on your boat, or even get on their ship if they’re on your tail and anchor them! This is what makes this game enjoyable. If you just want an easy grindable game, then this isn’t the game for you. This is Sea of THIEVES!!!!