2/5 rating
This movie had great visuals and a great cast, but ultimately i was not impressed. It had so much potential with the source material but the amount of plot that was cut was obscene. Main character Tris was overall boring and unrealistic. The romantic relationship between her and Four had no investment, no feeling, just suddency. The plot itself did not thoroughly explain the mistrust, the termoil, and overall hatred between each faction. Entire scenes from the book (that were very plot heavy for the next two) were skipped. Places where people should have been were switched. And for a big secret like whag the divergent were in the book this makes it seem like everyone know what and who they are. Just 2 simple phrases does a mood set.
I loved the cast, but i am really tired of seeing books made a mockery of on the big screen. Trying to compact so much in a 2.5 hr time span is not easy, but that why some movies are made into 2. To tell it correctly. If i hadn't read the book i may have liked this movie better. But because of it i can't like it.