My bother, I hope to comfort and reach you. I'm compelled in sharing there is a provable and definite answer why we were made homosexuals before we were formed in the womb (our DNA/etc lined up). Note True or False; Only One (God) is responsible for fashioning His own creation Gen1:1.
Moses was born under a death decree later raised up in Pharaoh's House and Shepherd Israel out of bondage to find and know God (YHWH-Tetragrammaton) Yahweh our Elohim who is Yahshua the true name of the MessiYah that we praise. HalleluYah (not hallelujah).Exodus 3. Please purchase a Holy Name Bible by A.B. Traina to read along and read the preface. Very important
Yahweh, He instituted commandments, laws, and ordinances to the Hebrews only (not Gentiles) that's scriptural. Only Hebrews at Mount Sinai. Exodus 19
The MessiYah fulfilled (put it to an end) all of it and nailed it to His Cross. If we are physically practing tithes and lords supper we are transgressing and calling the Savior who died for us and told John He is here to fulfill the 613 laws, statues, and ordinances and removed them. That through the outpouring of the Wholly Spirit; We are to Worship Him in Spirit and Truth. Matt5:17 Matt3:13-17
The baby is conceived and formed in the womb by spiritual permission. Moses was created by God for His purpose. Romans 1:19-20
Prov 8:22; 1Cor15:45-47.
Physical Homosexuality points out Spiritual Homosexuality. The physical manifestation of this condition is a reflection of a more insidious spiritual state of this world that Yahweh created. When we cry out to our creator for true guidance and learn of Him we are no longer practicing Spiritual Homosexuality seeking other men to talk or hear from Yahweh (Father) Elohim (Word or Son) and the Wholly Ghost (Savior). Seeking Him as we did when we cried out for help from Him. He showed us in our heart, we were created according to a pattern Exodus 25:40 for His good pleasure and purpose,Col1:5-8;12-13-17;20-23
I encourage you to contact me and or read "Elohim the Archetype (original) Pattern of the Universe" by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley. In the table of content the topic Spiritual Homosexuality is exposed for why physical homosexuality must be seen to understand the more invisible state that condemns the soul.
Archetype Pattern Workshop - Fairmont West Virginia