STORY: Uninspired and riddled with clichés that sitting through it becomes a chore that no game should saddle its player with. It's Dark Dragon awakes and wants to end the world - with little to no deviation from that plot. I'd put spoiler warning on that, but that is all FE Engage aspires to be and for an anniversary game, it's rather sad that it chose to skimp out on the core element that keeps players...engaged.
CHARACTERS: The emblem mechanic is troubling when you realize that the contemporary characters look and act shallow when compared to far superior heroes from yesteryear. In terms of character, motivations, designs and more, FE Engage reminds you of better times with better characters. The main 'lords' and their allies are ridden with overused character traits and silly mannerisms that its distracting. While I at times can appreciate the levity - its in no way subtle. None of these characters are grounded in a way that make you feel like the stakes matter. Overall, this game lags far behind in it the characters they've created and when juxtaposed against Emblems, both mainline and DLC - its even more apparent. The support systems is still a lacking means to develop characters and its even more shallow here. IS would do well to slim down considerably its playable characters in future iterations and focus on giving each character a resolvable character arc
I do want to add a bit of appreciation to diversity that IS tried here. JRPGs and IS have been poor stewards of diversity, there are four playable black/brown characters. Two of which help drive the plot forward and two that are cannon fodder. While they slip into cynical stereotypes, credit is given to IS for at least trying to acknowledge that people of minority backgrounds exist.
GAMEPLAY: This is where the game shines. Its the FE gameplay you know and love, refined and polished for next gen. Back is the weapon triangle, absent from 3H and some new weapons and 'arts' to play around with. The emblem mechanic offers a variety of strategic development and gameplay options and while you'll most likely end up building each character very similarly in terms of inherited skills, because they just work across the board - the game offers near limitless opportunity to test your creative juices. FE as a whole fails at giving players access to info to help shape their character and you'll find yourself using a guide to determining growth stats, which I find in poor taste in 2022/2023. Either way, FE gameplay has improved on an already established and near perfected gameplay loop found in 3H.
Overall, this game is saved by the game play loop. The characters, both heroic and villainous, along with the story will have you wishing you were elsewhere. IS failed at its primary job and that's keeping you, engaged.