Seems to me that many of those who have posted reviews here about this movie (especially the overtly religious) , completely and utterly failed to understand the plot of the movie. It was not the Virgin Mary portrayed as evil, (and how this could possibly be misinterpreted is beyond me) rather the sinister spirit of a woman by the name of Mary who had worshipped Satan and subsequently punished and burned by the church and towns people many years before. Once the evil entity escaped from the broken doll in which it was entombed, it tricked the character’Alice’ into believing that it was the Virgin Mary who spoke to her and deceivingly helped her to heal the ailments of the ‘sick’ Including her own deafness. It was made very clear quite early in the plot that it WAS NOT the Virgin Mary.
It certainly wasn’t one of the the better horror movies I’ve seen, but please people, at least understand the movie plot before making incorrect assumptions about what it was about and posting misleading reviews.