Hell Road is a fast-paced crime thriller that is centred on Seba, an arms smuggler, who has 10 years of experience in smuggling. But this time, it is not as smooth as it was before. He smuggles the PD Bomb to Nigeria from London for his handler Max to the client who wants to kill him to leave no ends loose. He runs to save himself. His girlfriend, a journalist, is also there and gets involved in his case through NIA and the FBI.
The author has also explained Nigerian corrupt politics, crime culture, and religious diversity through the characters. I never knew that Nigeria has so many Muslims.
The story begins with three plots that start in parallel and the suspense is at the fullest. Also, thrilling acts of sex are there from time to time to add spice to the story. The story is fuelled by the desire of a politician who wants to become the president of Nigeria and do everything in his power for his desire.
The chapters are short and keep the reader's interest intact. In my first sitting, I finished 12 chapters. Hope you enjoy it too.