I was stunned that an individual on your public round table this morning would question or not understand why we GIVE money to the Ukraine. Does this reflect this individual’s naivety or is this really how gravely the general public doesn’t understand. The Ukraine is fighting Russia for their county and a long shot at being part of Europe. Apple has already redrawn the map to show Crimea as part of Russia. This is about assisting people who desire a free democracy to live in and help them obtain a reasonable standard of living. I also thought the Repulsed Republican was a good term. My parents’ are turning in their graves. I keep thinking Trump is destroying the Republican Party and yet your round table had 3 dog whistles to I am still voting for him. I was just sick watching such uninformed people who probably think they are very informed. I traveled to/from Ukraine and Russia from 2001 to 2006 and your panel cannot imagine the living conditions or standards. When I traveled there for work, families would save for 2 or 3 years to buy a winter coat for one family member. Why do we GIVE them money? To fight for their lives. Why don’t they ask about $1.3B we are spending one wall that won’t make a single difference but serves as a symbol. So much is wrong right now in America.