"Death Stranding is not for everybody" this is something that can be said to any type of game. For someone who has sunken 90+ hours into the game, I can say that it's amazing! Story-wise I would say it's intriguing, the cutscenes are long so I suggest you grab something to eat while you watch them and Hideo did an amazing job at choosing the soundtrack to fit every single one of them. I can add that the game has some plot twists that I thought were great. People that call it a walking simulator are just being truthful because that 's what it is, the game is about you the player walking from A to B whilst delivering packages, rinse and repeat, the game does a great job at keeping you on your toes this is because you will encounter obstacles on your journey that you have to overcome let that be BT or MULES. And not only that the game has an amazing soundtrack that plays at just the right moment every time you deliver an important package. In short, the game is a vast open-world mostly focused on traversal rather than combat(optional in most of the game), the story is captivating but I suggest you read the interviews to understand, the game world is gorgeous, amazing soundtrack and in my opinion an amazing range of tools for the player to make use of. 8.5/10. Worth a buy.