With absolutely amazing graphics, Nintendo exceeded my expectations with this game! For someone who grew up with old Animal Crossing games I have to say this is a throwback to all those good times. The characters (or islanders you have on your island) have so many more fun interactions with the scenery and each other than they had back in the other games where they just walk around mindlessly. Overall it is great relaxing for people who like sandbox games, although tasks become repetitive as it is basically your goal for the rest if the time you spend there. However, Nintendo gives you creative liberty to decorate more than just your house and customize to your liking. It has certainly took a large chunk of my play activity compared to other games I have, but It is a great experiance I cannot wait to experiance again the next time I open to the title screen. This isn't even half of what is great about this game, but as much as I love every little detail, I think that this is my most favorite aspects of this game.