thoroughly enjoyed it
it was somehow the most depressing film i'd seen in 2021 (apart from some marvel movies that shall remain unnamed) but also possibly the funniest apart from maybe shang-chi.
but overlooking all of that i think it really highlighted the state we as humans and on our earth are in, whilst not making it a full disaster movie like '2012' or 'Supervolcano'.
I also doubted whether the casting would work, as in how all the 'starpower' would be balanced. Honestly expected Leo diCap to be in it because I mean the whole movie is basically a parallel to climate change and if he;s ok to be in the mv for Earth by lil dicky then why not this?
but i digress. so yeah the actors' screen time imo was balanced very well - can't say the same for dune and zendaya lmao - and ultimately i think it was a pretty swag film.
also reminds me a lot of the black satire/comedy of 'jojo rabbit' and if you enjoy movies like that then this is for you,