**SPOILERS** (although not really since it's pretty predictable)
Too much dialogue posing as banter but not funny or witty, Celia tries to hard to be original but just comes out as a using-feminism-to-fire-her-angst-to-make-her-seem-original-and-not-really-about-gender-equality teenager, but heeeey Noah Centineo is in it.
You can have a feminist wear heels, heels are not a symbol of patriarchy, they are just tall shoes that people wear, regardless of gender or no gender. Also, they practically nullified that 'feminist' factor when Celia put the heels on in a later scene. There's not much consistency with the character's aspirations for gender empowerment, the only thing that was refreshing about her was when she had the self-respect to reject Brooks' advances after he gets pushed back by Shelby. But then that got nullified when she got back with him. I guess forgiveness and personal growth is real and nice but you've got to have some consistency in personality too, otherwise the characters lose substance, especially when they're trying to be strong in the name of gender equality.
It's a generic teenage rom-com that tries to be original by copying original. And obviously, that's not what original is. Tries to be relevant but copies what they think is relevant and fails to have consistency and substance while dealing with social issues. If you want some more Noah Centineo, watch it. If you want some more Noah Centineo in a quality rom-com, just wait till the sequel for To All The Boys I've Loved Before comes out.