If it isn't intended to be as deep as I tried to make it, it's kinda OK. IF it is as deep as my dim witted albeit hyper "hidden meanings" brain suspects ... it is a good movie.
It juxtaposes while at the same time blendingsocial norms, more's, and taboo's of the early 19760's with today's in the realms of the social revolution involving careers, attachment, casual sex, sex ID roles, sexual orientation, technologies, race, parenting gender roles, etc.
If the dad didn't leave his wife and daughter because he was a closet gay in a relationship too overpowering for him to stay married, then the end makes no sense to me, nor does the young gay guys being there in the last scene. Did Gabe and dad raise one of them? I'm not accepting it was workaholicism and too much time away from family, physically and attentively.I read too much Faulkner growing up.