The conclusion of this book is perhaps the most telling indicator of the quality of journalism bound within ... the last lines of the book states, more or less that "we could show you Devin Nunes' operation succeeded, but everything's classified and we can't show it." The book then launches in the first five pages to state that the source of the biggest political scandal in the United States stems from the simple observation that Mueller cleared everyone, patently misstating the conclusion of the report and its findings and attempting to echo and reinforce the false assessment of the report promulgated by Barr. The book then proceeds to assume whatever it is that it's trying to prove, and fails on every account to outline a vast conspiracy to attack our commander in chief - the lines being constantly fluid as to whom the "hurricane group" actually is, a supposed invisible group of people desperately battling against an heroic president. Most if not all of the conspiracy theory in this book is debunked by the IG report of 2019, the actual Mueller Report, and now the evidence we see before us of a corrupt president and his underlings. The books findings, were they validated, would count for a great work of journalism - however, the book simply descends into the leaves of Russian Propaganda that Devin Nunes and his team are so often repeating these days, and could be accounted as nothing more than an attempt to distract the reader from the actual sources of information available to them. Read "The Cost of Chaos" instead, it's a better book. .. Stop to consider - if this book were blowing the lid off a vast conspiracy, why does it write almost 37 patently untrue statements into the first 20 pages of its text? And why would the conclusion of the "operation" that Devin Nunes was leading - have nothing to show for it, while Mueller has given us 7 felony guilt please, 37 indictments and revealed the horror of Russian Influence Operations now working within our country? ... The book is a poorly sourced work, not worth the read. I gave it one star because it reveals the spam of lies strategy that the influence operation will try on American citizens later this year, nothing more.