I have been a devoted fan of King's since I was ten years old. I've read the book about 50 times. I have watched the '94 miniseries more times then I can count. I own it on VHS and DVD and a digital copy. It made a huge impression on my childhood. Needless to say, I was excited and ready to love this new version.
This was not my beloved story, a rite of passage that has had a profound effect on my life, especially as of late.
This loose, as in rotting tooth loose "adaptation" was heresy to the fans but it's a complete loss for those unfamiliar with the source material. In 1994 they made an 1100 page epic into a pretty darn good show and it was chronological(?), kept to the main plot lines and created a love for the characters. The absurdly talented cast of the 2020 version was wholly wasted.
Without a doubt I was most let down by the 9th episode. This actually followed the novel fairly close.
Sometimes things are best left in original form.