I’m sorry but this game was a major disappointment compared to the horror achievement that was the first Outlast. There are some issues that I think just can’t go unnoticed.
The gameplay does have its fun parts, but gets really repetitive really quickly. The first game switched gameplay between running from enemies to hiding from them, but in this game it’s just… run. Run. Run. RUN! It astounds me to no end that Red Barrels let this issue go unnoticed, especially because of how much structure it gave the original game. It also doesn’t help that there’s so much trial and error in the chase sequences; you will die so many times on one chase before you eventually realise where the developers intended for you to run in. This is made even more of an issue by the fact that the chase sequences take place outside in linear corridors that are disguised as open wooden areas. And yet ANOTHER thing that makes this an issue is that you will CONSTANTLY get stuck on rocks, stumps and debris on the ground while you try to run around.
This game had so much potential to be scarier than it was. The first game instilled this powerful sense of disturbance and helplessness by the characters that were hunting you down, the things they said and the way they looked made you feel like you had to stay as far away from them as possible. In Outlast 2 however, this aspect of the game is completely absent. The strange cultists with their twisted religions, the tall axe lady and the deformed archer are honestly more annoying than anything else and they don’t have the disturbance that the first game’s characters had, making them feel like unappealing shells of what they could’ve been.
The narrative in this game is almost not there, it’s also very annoying that the story is really bad when you find out what it’s about. Even if you read every note in the entire game, it doesn’t explain a single thing. Blake, the protagonist, is an absolute moron. All he ever does is swear and say the name of his wife, it actually gets irritating after a while.
Overall, the game is a disappointment. A true letdown from the scares that the original was able to produce.