Horror: 4/10
Comedy: 8/10
Overstuffed Cheesy Parts: 5/10
(spoilers ahead)
I had a decent time watching this movie. As always, Rothe is an amazing actress and there was not a dull moment when she was on the screen. When I saw the first movie, it became one of my favorite movies of all time. It was hilarious! I'd rate the first one a 10/10 and this one a 7/10. Some things in this movie just didn't make sense. I'm sorry, but you can bet that if I ever have to choose between keeping my boyfriend or my mom, I'm definitely choosing the latter. Also, if she knew that her boyfriend's girlfriend was cheating on him in the other universe, why wouldn't she just tell him? Then they could be together AND her mom would be alive. Some of the acting is just so cheesy. I couldn't take some of the serious parts seriously, I was just laughing in the theater. The sentimental parts were sometimes sweet but mostly cheesy. Besides that, the montage in this movie had me dying. I liked it even more than the first. Overall, if you're not a critical 13 year old like me, be my guest and go see it. But don't expect a gory typical horror movie, the genre has switched to more of a sci-fi thriller. If you're looking for some gore, watch a Mortal Kombat fatality compilation. But what do I know, I'm just a kid.
- Kayla.