This movie avoids talking about what happens to their beloved animals, we are so enticed to care about, when they are sold for slaughter. It draws us in to have feelings for his moral dilemma over killing a coyote but not so for killing Emma’s babies. It is also murky when it comes to classism because rather than argue for doing right by all animals and the environment it advertises that eating more expensive free range meat (and of course biodiversity in crops which that I’m not arguing) is the way to go. This is not accessible for many Americans and it also doesn’t solve major environmental issues about how if there wasn’t a demand for meat we wouldn’t be in such an eco mess in the first place. The obvious omission of slaughtering and the inhumane things that happen to the animals they raise and sell is an abomination and made me realize they were white and elite and that’s who this movie seems to appeal to. In the reviews The Chesters are often applauded and there is not enough healthy discussion about what’s actually going on in this film.